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Late gevolgen van radiotherapie na borstkanker

Somberheid en Angst

Breast cancer survivorship: long-term physical and psychological effects of breast cancer and its treatment

Fatigue among Long-Term Breast Cancer Survivors: A Controlled Cross-Sectional Study

Fatigue among long-term breast cancer survivors: a controlled cross-sectional study

Long-term survivors of early breast cancer treated with chemotherapy are characterized by a pro-inflammatory biomarker profile compared to matched controls

Symptoms in long-term breast cancer survivors: A cross-sectional study in primary care

A systematic review on the prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety and distress in long-term cancer survivors: Implications for primary care

Cardiac Function After Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer

Langetermijneffecten van de behandeling voor borstkanker op de hartfunctie

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Borstkanker: erken klachten, ook lange tijd na behandeling

Huisarts UMCG onderzocht 700 vrouwen: 'Meer kans op angst en depressie na borstkanker'

Na behandeling borstkanker moeten lange termijn klachten erkend worden

‘Erken lange termijn klachten na behandeling borstkanker’

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