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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. S. (Stefan) Verweij


Enabling boundary spanners in public–private collaboration: The impact of support and role autonomy on reducing role stress

Post-Growth in Dutch Infrastructure Planning? An Exploration of Instruments within Rijkswaterstaat

Programmamanagement bij Rijkswaterstaat: State of the art in theorie en praktijk

Project-based practices for maintaining synergetic momentum through boundary spanning in a public infrastructure development project

De meerwaarde van PPS bij Nederlandse transportinfrastructuurprojecten

De meerwaarde van publiek-private samenwerking: Een vergelijkende analyse van Nederlandse infrastructuurprojecten

Equality in regional economic development: Exploration of the potential of geographical bundling in transport infrastructure public-private partnerships

How rule directions influence actors to achieve collective action: An analysis of Dutch collective infrastructure decision-making

In search of the collaborative advantage of public-private partnerships: A comparative analysis of Dutch transport infrastructure projects

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Making Room for the River: which policy interventions bring benefits in river rehabilitation?

Update onderzoek NWO-NGInfra: Slim investeren in de toekomst

RITRI-onderzoek aan de slag met de vervangingsopgave: Nieuwe kansen voor oude infrastructuur

Zodra de schop de grond ingaat

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