prof. dr. S. (Simon) Verhulst
Professor of the Evolutionary Biology of Ageing

Current PhD and PostDoc projects:
- Michael Briga. Growing up & growing old. (expected completion: 2015) (G-Scholar)
- Els Atema. Evolutionary ecology of telomere dynamics in wild bird populations. (Co-supervised with Arie van Noordwijk; expected completion: 2015.)
- Maria Rusche. Plasticity of avian sleep. (Co-supervised with Peter Meerlo and Niels Rattenborg; expected completion: 2017.)
- Blanca Jimeno. Corticosterone as mediator of environmental stress effects on sociality and ageing. (Co-supervised with Michaela Hau; expected completion: 2018.)
- Jelle J Boonekamp Telomeres and life histories: all’s well that ends well? (G-Scholar)
- Oscar Vedder (VENI) Trading health for growth? Maternal effects on offspring life-history strategy. (G-Scholar)
The following PhD-Students completed their Thesis under my (co-)supervision:
- Jelle J Boonekamp (2014): Telomeres and life histories; all’s well that ends well?
- Mirre Simons (2013): Sexual coloration and aging. (Cum laude; with Ton Groothuis).
- Gert Stulp (2013): Sex, Stature and Status – Natural selection on height in contemporary human populations (Cum laude; with Bram Buunk).
- Karen Krijgsveld (2012): Behavioural and physiological adaptations of precocial shorebird chicks for growth in the Arctic (with Bob Ricklefs).
- Sandra Bouwhuis (2011): Great tits growing old; Patterns and processes of ageing in a wild bird population (with Ben Sheldon; co-supervisors: Marcel Visser & Ton Groothuis).
- H. Martijn Salomons (2009): Fighting for fitness; Reproductive effort, oxidative stress and telomeres in a colonial corvid.
- Martijn van de Pol (2006): State-dependent life-history strategies; A long-term study on Oystercatchers (Cum laude; co-supervisors: Rudi Drent, Joost Tinbergen & Franjo Weissing).
- Leo W. Bruinzeel (2004): Search, Settle, Reside & Resign; Territory acquisition in Oystercatchers . (co-supervisors: Rudi Drent & Joost Tinbergen).
- Popko Wiersma (2003): Working for a living; Physiological and behavioural trade-offs in birds facing hard work. (co-supervisors: Rudi Drent & Joost Tinbergen)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 14:39 |