dr. S. (Steffie) van der Steen

Contact preferably via email first: s.van.der.steen rug.nl
Most important ongoing projects:
A collaboration with young experience experts on the impact of psychiatric assistance dogs on well-being of young people and bottlenecks in funding them (funded by ZonMw, file number 07440122230023). https://psychiatrischeassistentiehonden.nl/
Veni grant 2018: (How) Does Animal-Assisted Therapy Work?
Animal-assisted therapy is gaining popularity, but there is no conclusive evidence for its effect. This study investigates the effect of dog-assisted therapy for children with Down Syndrome and Autism, and looks for a possible mechanism to explain this effect: Increased synchronization between the movements of child and therapy dog (funded by NWO, file number: 016.Veni.195.247). https://hoewerktdiertherapie.nl
Laatst gewijzigd: | 23 september 2024 09:16 |