S. (Silvia) Stopponi, MA

November 2020 - present: YAG PhD student at the University of Groningen
I am a YAG PhD student under the supervision of prof. dr. Malvina Nissim and dr. Saskia Peels-Matthey. I work on an interdisciplinary project about the study of semantic change in ancient Greek with computational methods, especially about change in the field of ancient Greek religion.
February - July 2020: Teacher of Ancient Greek and Latin for high school students
September 2017 - March 2020: MA in Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition
University of Bologna, ITALY, final grade: 110/110 e lode (with honours)
Thesis: Il pattern misto e le altre strategie congiuntive nel greco di Erodoto: un'analisi in prospettiva tipologica (The Mixed Pattern and the other Conjunctive Strategies in Herodotean Greek: a Typological Analysis)
Supervisors: prof. N. Grandi, prof. C. Gianollo
September 2014 - July 2017: BA in Humanities (Classics Curriculum)
University of Bologna, ITALY, final grade: 110/110 e lode (with honours)
Thesis: Marcatezza diatopica e tratti neo-standard in un corpus di italiano parlato (Diatopic Markedness and Neo-standard Features in a Corpus of Spoken Italian)
Supervisor: prof. N. Grandi
2014: High School Diploma (Classical Studies, "Liceo classico")
Final grade: 100/100 e lode (with honours)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 11 mei 2023 14:33 |