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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S. (Stephan) Schleim, Dr


Brain Development and the Law: Neurolaw in Theory and Practice

Deep Brain Stimulation and Mental Disorders: What If the Latter Aren’t Things in the Brain at All?

Anders denken

Cognitive or Emotional Improvement through Intermittent Fasting?: Reflections on Hype and Reality

De bijzondere rol van de neurowetenschappen in het Nederlandse strafrecht

Mind, Body, Long COVID, and Statistics

Science and Free Will: Neurophilosophical Controversies and What It Means to Be Human

Stable Consciousness?: The “Hard Problem” Historically Reconstructed and in Perspective of Neurophenomenological Research on Meditation

Der Fall Phineas Gage: ein Neuromythos


Sind plötzlich alle hyperaktiv geworden?

Dr. Stephan Schleim talks about his new book and his experiences at the Honours College

Wissenschaft und Willensfreiheit

Die Niederlande, ein Land in Teilzeit

Wissenschaft, Hype und Realität

Gleiche Gene, anderes Leben

Magazin diskutiert wissenschaftliche Erklärungen von Spiritualität

History of ADHD Research Reveals Our Flawed Thinking About Mental Disorders

Open Access Publication in the Spotlight (November)