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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S. (Saad) Saleh, MSc

Research interests

Cognitive Networks, Network Architectures, Distributed Systems, Software-Defined Networks


TCAmMCogniGron:: Energy Efficient Memristor-Based TCAM for Match-Action Processing

On Memristors for Enabling Energy Efficient and Enhanced Cognitive Network Functions

Adaptive In-Network Queue Management using Derivatives of Sojourn Time and Buffer Size

Analog In-Network Computing through Memristor-based Match-Compute Processing

dAQM: Derivative-based Active Queue Management

Memristor-based Network Switching Architecture for Energy Efficient Cognitive Computational Models

The Future is Analog: Energy-Efficient Cognitive Network Functions over Memristor-Based Analog Computations

In-Network Computing Over Memristor-Based Cognitive Network Functions

Memristor-Based Cognitive and Energy Efficient In-Network Processing

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