prof. dr. S.S. (Shirin) Faraji

050 36 34373 (Office)
050 36 34440 (Secretary)
Full Professor in Theoretical Chemistry, University of Groningen (March 2023-Present)
Associate Professor in Theoretical Chemistry, University of Groningen (March 2017-2023)
Habilitation, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientic Computing (IWR), Heidelberg University, Germany (2012-2017)
Visiting Scholar, Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, USA (2014-2016)
Habilitation, Department of Physical Chemistry, Heidelberg University, Germany (2012-2017)
Postdoc, Theoretical Chemistry, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany (2010-2012)
Ph.D., Department of Physical Chemistry, Heidelberg University, Germany (2006-2010)
M. Sc., Department of Physical Chemistry, Iran University of Science and Technology,Iran (2003-2005)
Elected as Q-Chem Inc. board of directors (2019)
Elected as member of the Young Academy Groningen (2019-2024)
NWO Vidi grant (2018-2023)
Fellow of the Robert Bosch Foundation, Excellence and Leadership Skills for Outstanding Women in Science, Germany (2016-2018)
Romberg Grant of 4th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Klaus Tschira Foundation, Germany (2016)
Burg Foundation Teaching Fellowship, University of Southern California,USA (2015)
Fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for Junior Researchers, Visiting Scholar, USA (2014-2016)
Fellow of the Eliteprogramm for Postdocs, Baden-Wurttemberg Foundation, Germany (2011-2013)
German permanent residency as high-qualied scientist, Heidelberg, Germany (2012)
Summa cum Laude for Ph.D defense; an honor added to Ph.D degrees for work that is considered to be of highest quality (2010)
Sophie Bernthsen Award of the University of Heidelberg for outstanding Ph.D. thesis, Germany (2008)
Fellow of the Heidelberg Graduate of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Science, Heidelberg University, Germany (2006-2010)
Aug. 2020 "12th World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (WATOC)”, Vancouver, Canada.
Sep. 2019 "DNA Repair and Damage”, Valencia, Spain.
Jul. 2019 "9th Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conference”, Heidelberg, Gemany.
Jun. 2019 "10th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry 2019", Madrid, Spain
Apr. 2019 "13th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP13)”, Florence, Italy.
Mar. 2019 "Stauffer Symposium University of Southern California”, Los Angeles, USA.
Dec. 2018 "CHAINS”, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
Aug. 2018 "6th High Dimensional Quantum Dynamics”, Lille, France.
Aug. 2018 "Molecular Electronic Structure”, Metz, France.
Jul. 2018 "11th Congress on Electronic Structure Principles and Applications”, Toledo, Spain.
Jun. 2018 "XXIVth International Symposium on the Jahn-Teller effect", Santander, Spain.
Apr. 2018 "10th edition of the Isolated Biomolecules Biomolecular Interactions", Texel, Netherlands.
Feb. 2018 58th Sanibel Symposium, Georgia, USA.
Feb. 2018 Institute of Theoretical Chemistry, Erlangen, Germany
Oct. 2017 VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Sep. 2017 Leiden Chemical Biology Lectures, Leiden, The Netherlands
Jul. 2017 European Joint Doctorate in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling,Leuven, Belgium.
Jun. 2017 FemEx Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Putten, The Netherlands.
May. 2017 Vlieland 2017 meeting, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, Vlieland, The Netherlands.
Apr. 2017 253rd National American Chemical Society National Meeting (ACS), COMP Division "Symposium Strong Electron Correlation and Nonadiabatic Dynamics", San Fransisco, USA.
Jul. 2016 Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Potsdom-Golm, Germany.
Jul. 2016 Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Nov. 2016 Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, invited by Dr K. Brettel, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France.
Nov. 2016 "Electrons and nuclei in motion - correlation and dynamics in molecules", Symposium in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Lorenz Cederbaum, Heidelberg, Germany.
Jun. 2016 "8th Molecular Quantum Mechanics (MQM) congress", Uppsala, Sweden.
May. 2016 Free University of Berlin, Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Berlin, Germany.
May. 2016 American Society for Photobiology, "Symposium of Dynamics and Mechanism of DNA Repair by Photolyase: Experiment and Theory", special celebration for Prof. Aziz Sancar for his 2015 nobel prize, Tampa, Florida, USA.
Feb. 2016 "Minisymposium: Theoretical Molecular Quantum Dynamics", Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Jul. 2015 Institute of Physical Chemistry, invited by by Prof. J. Gauss, Mainz, Germany.
May. 2015 Institute of Physical Chemistry, invited by Prof. B. Engels,Wurzburg, Germany.
Oct. 2014 Department of Chemistry, invited by Prof. A. Dutoi, University of Pacic California, Stockton, USA.
May. 2014 Theoretical Chemistry Institute, invited by Prof. H. D. Meyer, Heidelberg, Germany.
Apr. 2014 Interdisciplinary Center for Scientic Computing (IWR), invited by Prof. A. Hujeirat, Heidelberg, Germany.
Oct. 2013 "Excited States and Complex Environments Conference", Muunster, Germany.
Dec. 2012 Theoretical Chemical Biology, invited by Prof. M. Elstner, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Oct. 2012 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, invited by Prof. Alan Aspuru-Guzik (original invitation by Prof. Eric Heller), Cambridge, USA.
Nov. 2012 Theoretical Chemistry Institute, invited by Prof. Spiridoula Matsika, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA.
Dec. 2011 Femtoscience-Ultrafast Dynamics and Spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry department, invited by Prof. M. Motzkus, Heidelberg, Germany.
Oct. 2009 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, invited by Prof. A. Dreuw, Frankfurt, Germany.
Jun. 2009 Theoretical Chemistry Institute, invited by Prof. D. Yarkony, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.
Jun. 2008 Theoretical Chemistry Institute, invited by Prof. S. Matsika, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA.
NWO Vidi grant (2018-2023)
External Joint Supervision Program Model King Saud University (2018–2022)
University of Southern California Visiting Researcher Scholarship (2016-2017)
Scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) “Research scholarship for junior researcher, University of Southern California, USA, 2014-2016.
Elite Postdoc Program of Baden-Württemberg Foundation, Germany, 2012-2014.
Graduated School MathComp (2006-2010)
2020 Organizer “High Dimensional Quantum Dynamics”, Groningen, Netherlands.
2020 Scintific Program Committe Physcixs @ Veldhoven, The Netherlands.
2019 Organizer group leader evening "CHAINS2019", Veldhoven, The Netherlands.
2019 Organizer “Focused Session: FemEx at Veldhoven”, Physics at Veldhoven, Netherlands.
2019-- Organizer, Faculty of Science and Engineering Female Networking Monthly Meetings, University of Groningen, Netherlands.
2018 Organizer, CECAM-Lorentz Workshop “Molecular Simulations Meets Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence”, Leiden, Netherlands.
2018 Scientific organizer “High Dimensional Quantum Dynamics”, Lille, France.
2013 Co-organizer, “Excited States and Complex Environments”, Muenster,Germany.
2008 Main co-organizer of the “XIX International Symposium on the Jahn-Teller Effect”, Heidelberg, Germany.
2007 Head-organizer, “Summer School, Annual Meeting, and Christmas Seminar of the Graduated Collage 850”, Heidelberg University, Germany.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 12 april 2023 07:37 |