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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. S.R. (Simone) Caljouw


Designing stepping-stones landscapes: a 2D perspective does not lead to more standardization than an in-situ perspective

Neural Correlates of Balance Skill Learning in Young and Older Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Attractive Stepping Stones Landscapes: Preference for Stone Height Variation Appears to Be Age Independent

Height, Size, and/or Gap Width Variation in Jumping Stone Configurations: Which Form of Variation Attracts Children the Most?

Spatial shifts in swiping actions, the impact of "left" and "right" verbalizations

Neural Correlates of Motor Skill Learning Are Dependent on Both Age and Task Difficulty

The degree to which traditional play equipment, Parkour play elements, and Aldo van Eyck's play sculptures have an open function

The influence of locative expressions on context-dependency of endpoint control in aiming

Are Children Attracted to Play Elements with an Open Function?

Crossing the Gap: Older Adults Do Not Create Less Challenging Stepping Stone Configurations Than Young Adults