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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. S.P.M. (Steven) Willemsen


Burning questions and multiple answers: Ambiguous-unreliable narration and the uncertainties of truth and trust

Full throttle: Demonstrating the speed, accuracy, and validity of a new method for continuous two-dimensional self-report and annotation

Introduction: Puzzling Stories

Puzzling Stories: The Aesthetic Appeal of Cognitive Challenge in Film, Television and Literature

Who Likes Complex Films? Personality and Preferences for Narrative Complexity

Zagadkowe opowieści i przyjemność wyzwań poznawczych – rozmowa z dr. Stevenem Willemsen

跟踪时间: 空间和具身认知在理解非线性故事世界中的作用

Narrative Complexity: Cognition, Embodiment, Evolution

Keeping Track of Time: The Role of Spatial and Embodied Cognition in the Comprehension of Nonlinear Storyworlds

Last Year at Mulholland Drive: Ambiguous Framings and Framing Ambiguities
