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University Medical Center Groningen

S.N. (Sandra) Zwart-Slagter

Policy officer & Coordinator PhD programme Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Profielfoto van S.N. (Sandra) Zwart-Slagter


Epidemiology of thyroid disorders in the Lifelines Cohort Study (the Netherlands)

Skin autofluorescence predicts incident type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mortality in the general population

Dietary patterns and physical activity in the metabolically (un)healthy obese: the Dutch Lifelines cohort study

Associations Between Systemic and Local Corticosteroid Use With Metabolic Syndrome and Body Mass Index

Epidemiology of metabolic health: Lifestyle determinants and health-related quality of life

No Effect of the Thr92Ala Polymorphism of Deiodinase-2 on Thyroid Hormone Parameters, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Cognitive Functioning in a Large Population-Based Cohort Study

Sex, BMI and age differences in metabolic syndrome: The Dutch Lifelines Cohort Study

Skin autofluorescence, a non-invasive biomarker for advanced glycation end products, is associated with the metabolic syndrome and its individual components

The association between various smoking behaviors, cotinine biomarkers and skin autofluorescence, a marker for advanced glycation end product accumulation

Thyroid function and metabolic syndrome in the population-based LifeLines cohort study