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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S.N. (Smith) Mehta, Dr

Research interests

Smith Mehta is an Assistant Professor in the Center for Media Studies and Journalism. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Creative Industries (2021) from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. His primary focus lies on the digital transformation of the screen industries and its impact on the power dynamics in creative labor and production. Smith has previously worked in Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd (Bollywood) as a associate producer for nine films and a webseries and was selected as a UNESCO Asia Pacific creative specialist in 2018-19. His areas of expertise include:

Media industries (film industries, streaming services, television industries)
Media management (talent agents, multi-channel networks)

Creator labor (creators, influencers, celebrity culture, producers)
Feminist production cultures (sexism, equality, power, hierarchies in media production)
Cultural studies (localisation, media globalisation, media imperialism, regionalism)
Social media entertainment (Youtubers, Instagrammers)

He is interested in supervising theses that focus on the working conditions of creators, journalists, media producers and streaming executives that form part of the cultural industries and are particularly dealing with changes brought about by digital transformation. He uses the following methods:

Grounded theory

For more information, please visit his Linkedin Profile:


Peripheral Creator Cultures in India, Ireland, and Turkey

Digitalization and Informality in media industries: beyond the platform-portal divide?

The New Screen Ecology in India

Where are the Women? Gendered Indian Digital Production Cultures Post #metoo

YouTube: The Interface Between Television and Social Media Entertainment

Indian intermediaries in new media: Mainstreaming the margins

Media censorship: Obscuring autocracy and hindutva-ideology in Indian governance

Pushing the Next Level: Investigating Digital Content Creation in India

Localization, diversification and heterogeneity: Understanding the linguistic and cultural logics of Indian new media

Television’s role in Indian new screen ecology

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