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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. S. (Sarthak) Misra


Acoustically Actuated Flow in Microrobots Powered by Axisymmetric Resonant Bubbles

A Magnetically Actuated Variable Stiffness Manipulator Based on Deployable Shape Memory Polymer Springs

APOLLO: advanced magnetic probes for minimally invasive endovascular interventions

Experimental Evaluation of Haptic Shared Control for Multiple Electromagnetic Untethered Microrobots

Fin-Wave-Inspired Wireless Small-Scale Soft Robot for Adaptive Amphibious Locomotion Under Single-Mode Magnetic Field

Fluidic control programming for 3D magnetic soft metamaterials with reconfigurable mechanical behaviors

Graph Neural Network-Based Real-Time 3D Tracking for Micro-Agent Control

Magnetic alginate microrobots with dual-motion patterns through centrifugally driven flow control

Magnetic control of soft microrobots near step-out frequency: Characterization and analysis

Magnetic Nozzle-Free Embedded 3D (MagNoFE3D) Printing

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Een robotdokter chirurg van de toekomst

Robots aan bed laten op zich wachten

Could robots solve staff shortages?

Robots als oplossing voor het personeelstekort?

Two UT projects receive Open Technology funding

Twee UT-onderzoeksprojecten ontvangen deze maand financiering binnen het OTP

Safe and Precise Surgical Catheter Guiding by Robots

Veilige en nauwkeurige sturing van chirurgische katheters door robots

Veilige en nauwkeurige sturing van chirurgische katheters door robots

Robotic platform offers safe and precise steering of surgical catheters

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