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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. S. (Sebastiaan) Mathot


The effect of covert visual attention on pupil size during perceptual fading

Baseline Pupil Size Seems Unrelated to Fluid Intelligence, Working Memory Capacity, and Attentional Control

Functional benefits of cognitively driven pupil-size changes

Non-image-forming vision as measured through ipRGC-mediated pupil constriction is not modulated by covert visual attention

Revealing visual working memory operations with pupillometry: Encoding, maintenance, and prioritization

Attention-Based Rehearsal: Eye Movements Reveal How Visuospatial Information Is Maintained in Working Memory

Concealed identity information detection with pupillometry in rapid serial visual presentation

Effects of pupil size as manipulated through ipRGC activation on visual processing

Emphasis on peripheral vision is accompanied by pupil dilation

Implementing multi-session learning experiments out of the lab: tips and tricks using OpenSesame


Pupil thickness might be a sign of aphantasia, according to the mind's eye

The mind's eyes: A certain amount of specimen size might indicate anphantasia

The mind's eye: Pupil size may be indicator of aphantasia

Interview Radio 1, De Taalstaat