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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S.M. (Sílvia) Dos Santos Fernandes Costa, PhD


An introduction to stimulating entrepreneurial activity in a European context: Reflections on programs, courses, and cases

Guest editorial: Understanding the entrepreneurial process through a multidisciplinary lens: Insights from entrepreneurship research in Europe

How do entrepreneurs influence their social environment? A bibliometric analysis and editorial

Introduction to navigating entrepreneurial contexts: The theoretical and methodological richness of entrepreneurship research

Navigating entrepreneurial contexts

Pre-start-up internationalization mindsets trigger action

Special Issue Guest Editorial: The Challenges of Experimental Designs in Entrepreneurship Education Research - An Interview With Thomas D. Cook

Stimulating entrepreneurial activity in a European context: Reflections on Programs, Courses and Cases

The early bird catches the worm: The role of regulatory uncertainty in early adoption of blockchain’s cryptocurrency by fintech ventures

Tweeting to Triumph: Gender differences in harnessing social media for crowdfunding

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