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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S.K. (Sonja) Billerbeck, Prof


Protocol to study toxic, immune, and suicidal phenotypes of killer yeast

Screening a 681-membered yeast collection for the secretion of proteins with antifungal activity

A new Editor-in-chief for Synthetic Biology.

Combining oligo pools and Golden Gate cloning to create protein variant libraries or guide RNA libraries for CRISPR applications

Improving homology-directed repair by small molecule agents for genetic engineering in unconventional yeast?-Learning from the engineering of mammalian systems

Killer yeasts: expanding frontiers in the age of synthetic biology

The signal peptide of yeast killer toxin K2 confers producer self-protection and allows conversion into a modular toxin-immunity system

A Modular Cloning Toolkit Including CRISPRi for the Engineering of the Human Fungal Pathogen and Biotechnology Host Candida glabrata

A Multiplex GPCR-Mediated Peptide Tagging System for a Growing Yeast Synthetic Biology Toolbox

Functional Synthetic Biology


NWO XS-subsidie voor drie FSE-onderzoekers

Three FSE researchers receive NWO XS grant

Toewijzingen voor achtentwintig aanvragen binnen Open Competitie ENW-XS

Grants for twenty-eight applications within Open Competition ENW-XS

Team Groningen wint medaille met Bye-o-film in iGEM- competitie Parijs

Team Groningen wins medal with Bye-o film in iGEM competition Paris

Sonja Billerbeck partner in EIC Pathfinder project

Sonja Billerbeck partner in EIC Pathfinder-project

Four FSE researchers receive NWO XS grant