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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. S.J.L. (Stephan) Bakker


Early economic evaluation of chelation therapy in kidney transplant recipients with high-normal lead

Increased ferritin levels are associated with incident diabetes after kidney transplantation: A prospective cohort study

Iron Deficiency, Cadmium Levels, and Kidney Transplant Outcomes in Prevalent Kidney Transplant Recipients

Letter to the Editor in Response to Paper "Peptide Sharing Between CMV and Mismatched HLA Class I Peptides Promotes Early T- Cell-Mediated Rejection After Kidney Transplantation"

Micronutrient deficiencies and new-onset atrial fibrillation in a community-based cohort: Data from PREVEND

Muscle Mass, Muscle Strength, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Kidney Transplant Recipients: Results of the TransplantLines Biobank and Cohort Study

Pharmacometabolomics Enables Real-World Drug Metabolism Sciences

Plasma GlycA, a Glycoprotein Marker of Chronic Inflammation, and All-Cause Mortality in Cirrhotic Patients and Liver Transplant Recipients

Preoperative cognitive performance and its association with postoperative complications in vascular surgery patients: A prospective study

The relation between dietary polysaccharide intake and urinary excretion of tetraglucoside


Tekort aan vitamine B12 pas na jaren merkbaar, onduidelijk of supplementen helpen

Bakkerijsector doet onderzoek naar vermindering zout in brood

Wetenschapsdag 2023

Minder vitamine D slikken nu de zon vaker schijnt? Dít zegt de expert

Save the date: Wetenschapsdag

Minder vitamine D slikken nu de zon vaker schijnt? Dít zegt de expert

PhD defense: Favorable influence of potassium in chronic kidney damage

Patiënten functioneren na niertransplantatie goed op hun werk

Na niertransplantatie functioneren patiënten goed op hun werk

Bakkers willen zout in brood gezonder maken