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Blood pressure patterns of gestational hypertension or non-severe pre-eclampsia beyond 36 weeks’ gestation and the adverse maternal outcomes: Secondary analysis of the HYPITAT study

Consecutive prediction of adverse maternal outcomes of preeclampsia, using the PIERS-ML and fullPIERS models: A multicountry prospective observational study

Effects of sildenafil treatment on placental immune cell subsets in early-onset fetal growth restriction

Near-miss criteria for stillbirth in global research: the ‘In Utero’ consensus

Placental histopathology in early-onset fetal growth restriction with use of sildenafil, a secondary analysis of the Dutch STRIDER study

Placental pathology is associated with lower quality fidgety movements in preterm infants

Prediction of perinatal mortality in early-onset fetal growth restriction: A post hoc analysis of the Dutch STRIDER trial to predict perinatal mortality in early-onset fetal growth restriction

All fetal growth restriction definitions fall short

Altered placental macrophage numbers and subsets in pregnancies complicated with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) compared to healthy pregnancies

Atosiban versus placebo in the treatment of threatened preterm birth between 30 and 34 weeks gestation: Study protocol of the 4-year APOSTEL 8 follow-up


Meer spoedbevallingen na geven ruggenprik

Mogelijk meer spoedbevallingen bij vrouwen met epidurale pijnstilling

Onderzoek in Groningen: na ruggenprik drie keer zo vaak spoedbevalling

Nederlands onderzoek wijst uit: na ruggenprik drie keer zo vaak spoedbevalling

Na ruggenprik drie keer zoveel spoedbevallingen als zonder pijnstilling

Gynaecoloog UMCG ziet meer spoedbevallingen na ruggenprik

Meer spoedbevallingen na ruggenprik
