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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S.J. de Jongh


Tissue perfusion in DIEP flaps using Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Angiography, Hyperspectral imaging, and Thermal imaging

Identification and Validation of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Targets for Fluorescence Molecular Endoscopy

Back-Table Fluorescence-Guided Imaging for Circumferential Resection Margin Evaluation Using Bevacizumab-800CW in Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer

C-Met targeted fluorescence molecular endoscopy in Barrett's esophagus patients and identification of outcome parameters for phase-I studies

Fluorescence-guided endoscopy and surgery: Clinical applications for optical imaging agents

Fluorescence-guided imaging for resection margin evaluation in head and neck cancer patients using cetuximab-800CW: A quantitative dose-escalation study

Fluorescentiegeleide beeldvorming voor snijvlakevaluatie bij hoofd-halskankerpatient gebruikmakend van cetuximab-800CW: een kwantitatieve dosisescalatiestudie

Quantitative fluorescence endoscopy: an innovative endoscopy approach to evaluate neoadjuvant treatment response in locally advanced rectal cancer

The optimal imaging window for dysplastic colorectal polyp detection using c-Met targeted fluorescence molecular endoscopy

Endoscopic Imaging Enhancement Techniques

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