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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S.F. (Şirin Fulya) Erensoy


Berlin’s Killjoys: Feminist Art from the Global South

Video Activism and Activist Archiving: Collective Testimonies, Resilient Images and the Case of

Experiences of migration from Turkey to Germany: the female guest worker in contemporary documentaries

Résistance face à la censure et pratiques créatives des cinéastes kurdes en Turquie

‘Why Can’t I Walk in My Own Country?’ The LGBTI+ Community’s Visual Activism in Turkey

Reflecting anxieties during the first twenty years of the twenty-first century: Three european cinematic waves

Rethinking Pornography within the Context of the French New Extremity: The Case of Baise-Moi

The Evolution of Video Activism in Turkey: From Activism to Eylemci

The technological turn of the femme fatale: The fembot and alternative fates

Approaches to Othered Identities and Spaces in French Cinema