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dr. S. (Siebrich) de Vries

Teacher educator, research associate
Profile picture of dr. S. (Siebrich) de Vries
+31 50 36 37279 (Lerarenopleiding | Grote Kruisstraat 2/1 | 9712 TS Groningen | kamer: 2212.0109 | vrijdag)


“Are we jumping into a gap?” A study of the interplay between theoretical input and practical knowledge during noticing as reasoning of a lesson study team in initial teacher education

How can participation in a Learning Study foster prospective teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching?

More than mundane matters: An exploration of how schools organize professional learning teams

Peer-to-peer-talk in whole-classroom discussions

Taking Learner Initiatives within Classroom Discussions with Room for Subjectification

Understanding sustainable professional learning communities by considering school leaders’ interpretations and educational beliefs

Using lesson study to help mathematics teachers enhance students’ problem-solving skills with teaching through problem solving

‘What would you do if…?’: On asking Experience Questions within classroom discussions, with a view to making room for subjectification

Basisboek Lesson Study in de lerarenopleiding

Dealing with the Complexity of Adaptive Teaching through Collaborative Teacher Professional Development

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Leraar vraagt leerling of les goed is

Welke leraar leert het meest?

Leerlinggerichte docenten geven beter les

Docent die zich richt op de leerling blijft bij

Als leerling het niet snapt, moet leraar het beter uitleggen

Een lerende docent is een goede docent

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