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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. S.D. Pouwels


Sticky Science: Using Complex Coacervate Adhesives for Biomedical Applications

Comorbidities reduce survival and quality of life in COPD with severe lung hyperinflation

COPD Patients Display Increased Peripheral Blood Somatic Mutations Which Associate With the Prevalence of Co-morbidities

Dynamics for High-Sensitivity Detection of Free Radicals in Primary Bronchial Epithelial Cells upon Stimulation with Cigarette Smoke Extract

Highlights from the 11th BRONCHITIS International Symposium -"Heterogeneity of lung disease in a changing environment" Groningen, The Netherlands, 2024

Identification of Genetic Factors Associated With DAMP Release in COPD Patients

Low serum double-stranded DNA levels are associated with higher survival rates in severe COPD patients

The lung extracellular matrix protein landscape in severe early-onset and moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Airway wall splice quantitative trait locus analysis reveals novel downstream mechanisms for known asthma single-nucleotide polymorphisms

Editorial: Next generation in vitro models to study chronic pulmonary diseases


Onderzoek naar ontstaan longschade en chronische klachten na COVID-19