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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S. (Sabrina) Corbellini, Prof


Indoor public spaces and the mobility of religious knowledge in late medieval Deventer and Amiens

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De Hidden Deventer app en Broeders 3D: Stedelijke ruimte en mobiliteit in Digital Humanities en wetenschapscommunicatie

Navigating places of knowledge: The Modern Devotion and religious experience in late medieval Deventer

Shaping Religious Literacies in the Long Fifteenth Century: Intermediality of Communication

Introduction: lieux de savoir and archéologie du savoir

Medieval and Early Modern Places and Spaces of Knowledge

Urban Laity and the Construction of Religious Identities in Renaissance Italy

Writing as a Religious Lieu de Savoir

Afterword: the Bible and the Laity in Long-Term Perspective

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Sciences & Moyen Âge (3/4): Les livres

University of Groningen: Who were the readers of the Middle Ages?

Het Verhaal van Nederland

Van kennis naar creatief project

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Wetenschapsteams RUG ‘Gewaardeerd’ voor structurele inzet wetenschapscommunicatie

New York, La mappa più antica esposta a Firenze

La più antica mappa di NY alla biblioteca Laurenziana

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