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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S. (Selvaraj) Chinnathambi, PhD


Nitrogen and boron-doped reduced graphene oxide chemiresistive sensor for real-time monitoring dissolved oxygen in biological processes

Hydrothermally reduced graphene oxide as a sensing material for electrically transduced pH sensors

Fabrication of a Nitrogen and Boron-Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide Membrane-Less Amperometric Sensor for Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen in a Microbial Fermentation

Functionalized graphene sensors for real time monitoring fermentation processes: electrochemical and chemiresistive sensors

Manufacturing of a Nafion-coated, Reduced Graphene Oxide/Polyaniline Chemiresistive Sensor to Monitor pH in Real-time During Microbial Fermentation

Polyaniline functionalized electrochemically reduced graphene oxide chemiresistive sensor to monitor the pH in real time during microbial fermentations

A molecular hybrid polyoxometalate-organometallic moieties and its relevance to supercapacitors in physiological electrolytes