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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. S. (Stynke) Castelein


Dutch Validation of the Self-Evaluation of Negative Symptoms Scale (SNS)

Identifying factors strongest associated with clinical, societal and personal recovery in people with psychosis with a long duration of illness

Sex differences and age of onset in well-being and recovery in people with psychotic disorders.: A PHAMOUS study

Am I dependent on a lifetime use of antipsychotics? A qualitative analysis of Q&A data about stopping and tapering antipsychotics from the perspective of users and their relatives

A pilot randomised controlled trial of a multidomain lifestyle intervention for outpatients with chronic or severe mental illness

Cost-effectiveness of a mindful yoga intervention added to treatment as usual for young women with major depressive disorder versus treatment as usual only: Cost-effectiveness of yoga for young women with depression

Cross-Cultural Insights from Two Global Mental Health Studies: Self-Enhancement and Ingroup Biases

Does personality moderate the association between social involvement and personal recovery in psychosis?

Feasibility, validity and reliability of the Dutch translation of INCRESE (INCRESE-NL) inventory to characterize mental health recovery narratives

Financial dissatisfaction in people with psychotic disorders: a report on its prevalence and correlates in a large naturalistic psychosis cohort


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