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prof. dr. S. (Stynke) Castelein

Professor of Recovery from Severe Mental Illness

Studying topics of recovery within mental health narratives from Dutch services 

This PhD project by Mitch Lases is about Studying Topics Of RecoverY in Mental health orIented Narrative Experiences (STORY MINE). In this project we are studying important elements regarding recovery within (recovery) narratives such as gradual change processes and turning points. Furthermore, the project focuses on a novel research field, the potential beneficial impact of offering a recovery narrative intervention to recipients within Dutch psychiatry. The project builds further on an existing framework of (personal) recovery, derived from studying characteristics of recovery narratives and studies on the positive and negative effects of recovery narratives on people within psychiatry. 

The effect of lifestyle interventions in psychiatry (CHAPTER). 

This PhD project by Charlie Schillemans is focussed on lifestyle interventions in psychiatry, mainly focussed on outpatients with a severe mental illness. Other than existing research, the concept of lifestyle is broader, consisting of several domains. The outcomes will also be broader than existing research, mainly on physical health and symptom reduction, and will consist of a broad scope of health and recovery indicators. The first research output will be a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. We will develop a lifestyle intervention adapted to the outpatient SMI population. Its efficacy, feasability and barriers will be tested in a pilot and RCT.

Sex and gender differences in psychosis

In this PhD project Linda Hoeksema will study sex and gender differences in psychosis.

Last modified:02 December 2022 8.50 p.m.