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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S. (Stefania) Boscari, Dr


Different paths to improving together: a taxonomy of buyer-supplier collaborations for sustainability in food supply networks

Diversity in Teamwork and Its Implications in O&SCM: A Dive into Students' Perspectives

Leveraging organizational culture to create competitive value from environmental practices

Moderation of OM practice effectiveness by organizational culture profile: contingency vs paradox perspective

Sustainability drivers and national culture in buyer-supplier environmental practices: an institutional perspective

The impact of cultural dimensions on project management performance

Integrating Smart Manufacturing to Lean: A Multiple-Case Study of the Impact on Shop-Floor Employees’ Autonomy and Empowerment

Synergies Between Industry 4.0 and Lean on Triple Bottom Line Performance

National culture and operations management: a structured literature review

The social benefits of kaizen initiatives in healthcare: an empirical study