S. (Sebastian) Sadowski

Sebastian is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Groningen, under the supervision of prof. dr. Bob Fennis and prof. dr. Koert van Ittersum. His dissertation, ‘Keep your eye on the ball! The effect of motivated tuning on the effectiveness of subtle marketing stimuli’ investigates the effectiveness of subtle environmental stimuli on consumer decision-making. Specifically, he zooms in on the process of broadening and narrowing of attention, showing how this attentional tuning effect influences consumers. In his dissertation Sebastian concentrates on priming effects, distinguishing between both goal-relevant and goal-irrelevant primes. Additionally, he also examine how attentional tuning guides product choices when consumers experience choice overload.
Sebastian obtained his Master's degree in Marketing (cum laude) and Research Master's degree in Economics and Business - Marketing track (cum laude) at the University of Groningen. During this time he was also part-time research assistant at the university.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 15:31 |