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Introduction. Politicised Environments: Governance, Mobilisation and Time

Environmental apocalypse and space: The lost dimension of the end of the world

Review: Harper, Earl T. and Doug Specht (2021): Imagining Apocalyptic Politics in the Anthropocene. London and New York: Routledge

Spatializing the Environmental Apocalypse

Koronakriisin biopolitiikasta: Paljas elämä, haavoittuvaisuus, solidaarisuus

Conclusion: Critique and the Politics of Affirmation in International Relations

Farmer Suicides and the Function of Death in Neoliberal Biopolitics

Imaginaries, connectivity, novelty, and governance

Imaginaries of Connectivity: The creation of novel spaces of governance

Review: Un-making environmental activism: Beyond modern/colonial binaries in the GMO Controversy, by Doerthe Rosenow