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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.R. (Robin) Neef


Gaming the Future of Infrastructure Planning: Playing the Serious Game InfraLife

Towards the planning of infrastructure renewal: an analysis of futures and institutions for a network-of-networks

Balancing institutional and participatory space in the management of water imbalance: a dual institutional and design perspective

Interactive game: Multi-modal networks

Making impact: consulting as a means for knowledge dissemination in infrastructure planning

Tensions in the original premises of the IAD framework compared to contemporary spatial applications: Revisiting Elinor Ostrom

Towards sustainable last-mile logistics? Investigating the role of cooperation, regulation, and innovation in scenarios for 2035

Duurzame stadslogistiek binnen bereik?

How rule directions influence actors to achieve collective action: An analysis of Dutch collective infrastructure decision-making


Duurzame stadslogistiek binnen bereik?

Update onderzoek NWO-NGInfra: Slim investeren in de toekomst

RITRI-onderzoek aan de slag met de vervangingsopgave: Nieuwe kansen voor oude infrastructuur