dr. R.W.M. (Remi) van Schaik

Remi van Schaïk, born in Nijmegen 1950.
Studies in History (specialisation Medieval History and Economic & Social History) at the Catholic University of Nijmegen (now Radboud University) 1968/69-1974/75, and the University of Ghent (Belgium) 1973/74.
Research fellow at the Catholic University of Nijmegen (funded by ZWO) 1975-1978 and the Erasmus University Rotterdam 1979-1980, teacher at Gelderse Leergangen, a teacher training college in Arnhem 1978/79-1980/81, lecturer at the Catholic University in Nijmegen 1980/81 and research fellow medieval studies at the University of Groningen during the years 1981-1985. Official for research policy, deputy secretary and PhD-coordinator in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen 1987-1997. From August 1995 till October 2015 lecturer (assistant professor) in History (medieval history, economic and social history) at the same university and coordinator of the part-time degree programme History from 1997 till 2015.
PhD Catholic University of Nijmegen, defended 5-11-1987, supervisors prof.dr A.G. Weiler and prof.dr W.P. Blockmans.
Author of several academic monographs (all in Dutch) and editor of collections of papers, around fifty articles or chapters in Dutch, English and German and nearly a hundred of bookreviews and popular publications in Dutch, German and French in professional journals and in newspapers. More than fifty scientific and public lectures at conferences and meetings in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Consultant for and organizer of several historical exhibitions: in Nijmegen (Municipal Archives), Tiel (Regional Museum), Utrecht (Museum Catharijneconvent), Groningen (Groninger Museum) and Bedum (town hall). Initiation of and participation in archaeological excavations around and within the St. Walfrid's Church in Bedum, 1985 and 1995, leading to a large-scale restoration of the church and redesign of the cemetery around. Interviews for regional radio and tv (RTV Noord), and participation in a local tv-program (OOG TV) and two national cultural radio-programs (KRO and EO).
Member of the PhD-committee of M.J. Waale, De Arkelse Oorlog, 1401-1412. Een politieke, krijgskundige en economische analyse (Leiden University, 18-1-1990; promotor: prof.dr W.P. Blockmans).
Co-promotor of W.J. Kuppers, De stadsrekeningen van Geldern 1386-1423. Inleiding, teksteditie, indices (PhD University of Amsterdam, 16-6-1992; promotor: prof.dr P.H.D. Leupen).
Honorary citizen of the municipality of Bedum due to special merits for the history of Bedum, 2002.
Project leader 'State formation, economic transformation and urban society in the Duchy of Guelders, 1350-1581'. PhD project R.A.A. Bosch MA, University of Groningen, 2008-2012.
Member of the editorial board of Groninger Kerken, journal of the Stichting Oude Groninger Kerken, 1988-2005.
Member of the editorial board of the Historisch Jaarboek Groningen (peer reviewed yearbook on the history of Groningen, with NAT-status on the ESF/ERIH-list) 1994-2017, and secretary 2001-2017 (www.stad-lande.nl/nl/jaarboek/).
Member of the scientific advisory committee of the Stichting Erven A. de Jager ter bevordering van de Groninger Geschiedenis, 2001-2011.
Member of the jury of the Prof. Van Winter Prize for the best book on local and regional history 2011-2012 (2013), 2013-2014 (2015) and 2015-2016 (2017) (http://www.vanwinterprijs.nl/).
Journal referee for Jaarboek voor Ecologische Geschiedenis (1), Jaarboek Vlaams-Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nieuwe Geschiedenis (1), Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis/The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History (2), Continuity and Change (1), Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies (1).
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