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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. ir. R.W.C.P. (Roel) Verstappen


Computational fluid-structure interaction in biology and soft robots: A review

Nature-inspired miniaturized magnetic soft robotic swimmers

On the conservation of primary and secondary properties in the simulation of multiphase flows

Conservation of energy in the direct numerical simulation of interface-resolved multiphase flows

Magnetic-field-induced propulsion of jellyfish-inspired soft robotic swimmers

Uncertainty quantification analysis for simulation of wakes in wind-farms using a stochastic RANS solver, compared with a deep learning approach

Local dynamic gradient Smagorinsky model for large-eddy simulation

Numerical Treatment of incompressible Turbulent Flow

Quantification and propagation of model-form uncertainties in RANS turbulence modeling via intrusive polynomial chaos

A symmetry-preserving second-order time-accurate PISO-based method