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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons R.S. (Lenny) Marapin


Response to the Letter Concerning the Publication: Neuroimaging in Functional Neurological Disorder: State of the Field and Research Agenda

[18F]FDG PET in conditions associated with hyperkinetic movement disorders and ataxia: a systematic review

Altered brain connectivity in hyperkinetic movement disorders: A review of resting-state fMRI

Multi-centre classification of functional neurological disorders based on resting-state functional connectivity

Altered Posterior Midline Activity in Patients with Jerky and Tremulous Functional Movement Disorders

Cognitive biases, environmental, patient and personal factors associated with critical care decision making: A scoping review

Neuroimaging in Functional Neurological Disorder: State of the Field and Research Agenda

Short- and Long-Term Functional Connectivity Differences Associated with Alzheimer's Disease Progression

The chronnectome as a model for Charcot's 'dynamic lesion' in functional movement disorders

Altered intrinsic power spectral density of the precuneus in patients with hyperkinetic functional movement disorders


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