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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons R. (Robert) Prey, PhD


A global approach to studying platforms and cultural production

Platform Closure and Creator Creep: What We Can Learn From Korean Indie Musicians

Sounding out voice biometrics: Comparing and contrasting how the state and the private sector determine identity through voice

The algorithmic network imaginary: How music artists understand and experience their algorithmically constructed networks

The infuence of performance metrics on musicians: The artist and the prism

Platform pop: disentangling Spotify’s intermediary role in the music industry

The Behavioral Code: Recommender Systems and the Technical Code of Behaviorism

Engineering culture: Logics of optimization in music, games, and apps

Music by Numbers: The Use and Abuse of Statistics in the Music Industries, by Richard Osborne and Dave Laing

Playlists and the Datafication of Music Formatting

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Dutch university reseacher wins €1.5m grant for streaming study

Hoe Spotify de muziekwereld (én ons luistergedrag) verandert

How Spotify is influencing the music industry (and our listening behaviour too)

Why We Love Spotify’s Annual Wrap-Ups

Research into Spotify | Faculty of Arts | University of Groningen

Verlieslijdend maar belangrijk Spotify vanaf vandaag op de beurs

Dr. Robert Prey receives Dean's Convocation Medal

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