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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons R. (Robert) Prey, PhD


A global approach to studying platforms and cultural production

Platform Closure and Creator Creep: What We Can Learn From Korean Indie Musicians

Sounding out voice biometrics: Comparing and contrasting how the state and the private sector determine identity through voice

The algorithmic network imaginary: How music artists understand and experience their algorithmically constructed networks

The infuence of performance metrics on musicians: The artist and the prism

Platform pop: disentangling Spotify’s intermediary role in the music industry

The Behavioral Code: Recommender Systems and the Technical Code of Behaviorism

Engineering culture: Logics of optimization in music, games, and apps

Music by Numbers: The Use and Abuse of Statistics in the Music Industries, by Richard Osborne and Dave Laing

Playlists and the Datafication of Music Formatting


Dutch university reseacher wins €1.5m grant for streaming study

Hardrock en hiphop komen er bekaaid af in de algoritmes van muziekdiensten

Hoe Spotify de muziekwereld (én ons luistergedrag) verandert

How Spotify is influencing the music industry (and our listening behaviour too)

Why We Love Spotify’s Annual Wrap-Ups

Research into Spotify | Faculty of Arts | University of Groningen

Verlieslijdend maar belangrijk Spotify vanaf vandaag op de beurs

Dr. Robert Prey receives Dean's Convocation Medal