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Clinical research for global needs of radiation oncology

Driving innovation in radiation oncology in a changing world: The Green Journal's roadmap for the next decade

Future of Team-based Basic and Translational Science in Radiation Oncology

Mesenchymal stem cell-derived HGF attenuates radiation-induced senescence in salivary glands via compensatory proliferation

MET-receptor targeted fluorescent imaging and spectroscopy to detect multifocal papillary thyroid cancer

Mitophagy induction improves salivary gland stem/progenitor cell function by reducing senescence after irradiation

Optimization of the Production Process of Clinical-Grade Human Salivary Gland Organoid-Derived Cell Therapy for the Treatment of Radiation-Induced Xerostomia in Head and Neck Cancer

Organoid-based personalized medicine: from tumor outcome prediction to autologous transplantation

Proton therapy induces a local microglial neuroimmune response

Pursuing New Horizons With New Collaborators: This Is the Future of Radiation Oncology

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Stamceltransplantatie voor herstel van speekselklieren na bestraling

Kruisbestuiving bij de koffieautomaat

UMCG behandelt eerste kankerpatiënt met stamcellen uit eigen speekselklier

UMCG behandelt eerste kankerpatiënt met stamcellen uit eigen speekselklier

Kankerpatiënt behandeld met stamcellen uit eigen speekselklier

Unieke behandeling UMCG om speekselklieren kankerpatiënten te laten werken

Kankerpatiënt behandeld met stamcellen uit eigen speekselklieren

Stem cell-derived organoids mimic human parathyroid tissue — ScienceDaily

Stem cell-derived organoids mimic human parathyroid tissue — ScienceDaily

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