prof. dr. R.H. Teunter

Curriculum Vitae Ruud Teunter
Work address :
University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Operations, PO Bob 800, 9700 AV, Groningen, The Netherlands, tel. +31-50-3638617, E-mail:
Publications (international journals):
1. Julien Mostard, Ruud Teunter and Rene de Koster, Forecasting demand for single-period products: a case study in the apparel industry, European Journal of Operational Research, forthcoming.
2. Ruud Teunter, Simme Douwe Flapper, Optimal core acquisition and remanufacturing policies under uncertain core quality fractions, European Journal of Operational Research, 210(2), 241-248, 2011 .
3. Colin Paterson, Gudrun Kiesmüller, Ruud Teunter, Kevin Glazebrook, Inventory Models with Lateral Transshipments: A Review, European Journal of Operational Research, 210(1), 125-136, 2011.
4. Ruud Teunter, Mohamed Zied Babai and Aris Syntetos, ABC classification: service levels and inventory costs, Production and Operations Management 19(3): 343-352, 2010.
5. Ruud Teunter, Aris Syntetos and Mohamed Zied Babai, Determining Order-Up-To Levels under Periodic Review for Compound Binomial (Intermittent) demand, European Journal of Operational Research 203: 619–624, 2010.
6. Mohamed Zied Babai, Aris Syntetos and Ruud Teunter, On the empirical performance of (T,s,S) heuristics, European Journal of Operational Research 202: 466–472, 2010.
7. Ruud Teunter, Note on the fill rate of single-stage general periodic review inventory systems, OR Letters, 37(1): 67-68, 2009.
8. Argyrios Syntetos, Mohamed Babai, Yves Dallery and Ruud Teunter, Periodic control of intermittent demand items: theory and empirical analysis, Journal of the Operational Research Society 60(5), 611-618, 2009.
9. Ruud Teunter and Laura Duncan, Forecasting Intermittent Demand: A Comparative Study, Journal of the Operational Research Society 60(3): 321-329, 2009.
10. Ruud Teunter and Babangida Sani, On the bias of Croston’s forecasting method, European Journal of Operational Research 194(1), 177-183, 2009.
11. Ruud Teunter, Ou Tang and Konstantinos Kaparis, Heuristics for the Economic Lot Scheduling with Returns, International Journal of Production Economics 118(1): 323-330, 2009.
12. Ruud Teunter and Babangida Sani, Calculating order-up-to levels for products with intermittent demand, International Journal of Production Economics 118(1): 82-86, 2009.
13. Hongyan Li, Linda Hendry and Ruud Teunter, A Strategic Capacity Allocation Model for a Complex Supply Chain: Formulation and Solution Approach Comparison, International Journal of Production Economics 121(2): 505-518, 2009.
14. Ruud Teunter, Konstantinos Kaparis and Ou Tang, Multi-Product Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Separate Production Lines for Manufacturing and Remanufacturing, European Journal of Operational Research, 191: 1241–1253, 2008.
15. Ruud Teunter and Willem Klein Haneveld, Dynamic inventory rationing strategies for inventory systems with two demand classes, Poisson demand and backordering, European Journal of Operational Research 190(1): 156-178, 2008.
16. Ruud Teunter and Rommert Dekker, An easy derivation of the order level optimality condition for inventory systems with backordering, International Journal of Production Economics, 214: 201-204, 2008.
17. Ou Tang and Ruud Teunter, Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Returns, Production and Operations Management 15(4): 488-497, 2006.
18. Michael Ketzenberg and Erwin van der Laan and Ruud Teunter, Value of Information in Closed Loop Supply Chains, Production and Operations Management 15(3): 393-406, 2006.
19. Ruud Teunter and Simme Douwe Flapper, A comparison of bottling alternatives in the pharmaceutical industry, Journal of Operations Management 24(3): 215-234, 2006.
20. Ruud Teunter, Pelin Bayindir and Wilco van den Heuvel, Dynamic lot sizing with product returns and remanufacturing, International Journal of Production Research 44(20): 4377-4400, 2006.
21. Ruud Teunter, The multiple-job repair kit problem, European Journal of Operational Research 175(2): 1103-1116, 2006.
22. Erwin van der Laan and Ruud Teunter, Simple heuristics for push and pull remanufacturing policies, European Journal of Operations Research 175(2): 1084-1102, 2006.
23. Ruud Teunter, Determining optimal disassembly and recovery strategies, OMEGA the International Journal of Management Science 34(6): 533-537, 2006.
24. Julien Mostard and Ruud Teunter, The newsboy problem with resalable returns: a single period model and case study, European Journal of Operations Research 169: 81-96, 2006.
25. Ruud Teunter, A note on "Khouja and Park, optimal lot sizing under continuous price decrease", OMEGA the International Journal of Management Science 33(6): 467-471, 2005.
26. Julien Mostard, René de Koster and Ruud Teunter, The distribution-free newsboy problem with resalable returns, International Journal of Production Economics 97(3): 329-342, 2005.
27. Ruud Teunter, Erwin van der Laan and Dimitrios Vlachos, Inventory strategies for systems with fast remanufacturing, Journal of the Operational Research Society 55: 475-484, 2004.
28. Ruud Teunter, Lot-sizing for inventory systems with product recovery, Computers & Industrial Engineering 46(3): 431-441, 2004.
29. Simme Douwe Flapper and Ruud Teunter, Logistic planning of rework with deteriorating work-in-process, International Journal of Production Economics 88: 51-59, 2004.
30. Daniel Guide, Ruud Teunter and Luk van Wassenhove, Matching supply and demand to maximize profits from remanufacturing, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 5(4): 303-316, 2003.
31. Ruud Teunter and Simme Douwe Flapper, Lot-sizing for a single-stage single-product production system with rework of perishable production defectives, OR Spectrum 25(1): 85-96, 2003.
32. Ruud Teunter, Economic order quantities for stochastic discounted cost inventory systems, International Journal of Logistics 5(2): 161-175, July 2002.
33. Rommert Dekker, Roger Hill, Marcel J. Kleijn and Ruud Teunter, On the (S-1,S) lost sales inventory model with priority demand classes, Naval Research Logistics 49: 593-610, 2002.
34. Ruud Teunter and Erwin van der Laan, On the non-optimality of the average cost approach for inventory models with remanufacturing, International Journal of Production Economics 79(1): 67-73, 2002.
35. Ruud Teunter and Willem K. Klein Haneveld, Inventory control of service parts in the final phase, European Journal of Operations Research 137: 497-511, 2002.
36. Ruud Teunter and Willem K. Klein Haneveld, Inventory control of service parts in the final phase: a central depot and repair kits, European Journal of Operations Research 138: 76-86, 2002.
37. Ruud Teunter and Dimitrios Vlachos, On the necessity of a disposal option for returned products that can be remanufactured, International Journal of Production Economics 75: 257-266, 2002.
38. Ruud Teunter, Economic ordering quantities for recoverable item inventory systems, Naval Research Logistics 48(6): 484-495, 2001.
39. Ruud Teunter, A Reverse Logistics valuation method for inventory control, International Journal of Production Research 39(9): 2023-2035, 2001.
40. Ruud Teunter and Dimitrios Vlachos, An inventory system with periodic regular review and flexible emergency review, IIE Transactions 33(8): 625-635, 2001.
41. Ruud Teunter, Erwin van der Laan and Karl Inderfurth, On how to set the holding cost rates in inventory models with returned items that can be remanufactured, OMEGA the International Journal of Management Science 28(4):409-415, 2000.
42. Gerard Sierksma and Ruud Teunter, Partial monotonizations of Hamiltonian cycle polytopes; dimension and diameters, Discrete Applied Mathematics 105:173-182, 2000.
43. Ruud Teunter and Edo van der Poort, The maximum number of Hamiltonian cycles in graphs with a fixed number of vertices and edges, OR Letters 26(2): 91-98, 2000.
44. Ruud Teunter and Leonard Fortuin, End-of-life service, International Journal of Production Economics 59:487-497, 1999.
45. Ruud Teunter and Willem K. Klein Haneveld, The 'final order' problem, European Journal of Operations Research 107(1), 35-44, 1998.
46. Ruud Teunter and Leonard Fortuin, End-of-life service: a case study, European Journal of Operations Research 107(1):19-34, 1998.
47. Willem K. Klein Haneveld and Ruud Teunter, Effects of discounting and demand rate variability on the EOQ, International Journal of Production Economics 54:173-192, 1998.
48. Willem K. Klein Haneveld and Ruud Teunter, Optimal provisioning strategies for slow moving spare parts with small lead times, Journal of the Operational Research Society 48:184-194, 1997.
49. Gerard Sierksma, Ruud Teunter and Gert Tijssen, Faces of diameter two on the Hamiltonian cycle polytope, OR Letters 18:59-64, 1995.
Publications (books/chapters):
1 . Ruud Teunter, Karl Inderfurth, Stefan Minner and Rainer Kleber, Reverse logistics in a pharmaceutical company: the Schering case, in Managing Closed-Loop Supply Chains, 3-18, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
2 . Ruud Teunter and Erwin van der Laan, Inventory Costing in Product Recovery Management, in Quantitative Approaches to Reverse Logistics, 275-294, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
3 . Ruud Teunter and Karl Inderfurth, Production Planning and Control of Closed-Loop Supply Chains, in Business Aspects of Closed-Loop Supply Chains, 149-174, Carnegie Mellon University Press, Carnegie Bosch Institute, International Management Series: Volume 2, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2003.
4 . Erwin van der Laan and Ruud Teunter, Average Costs versus Net Present Value, in Quanitative approaches to distribution logistics and supply chain management, 359-378, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
5. Ruud Teunter, Inventory control of service parts in the final phase, thesis, Graduate School / Research Institute Systems, Organizations and Management, 1998.
Presentations : approximately 50 at conferences (IFORS, INFORMS, ISIR, SOR, INTERLOG), workshops, colloquia, and summer schools during the period 1995-2006.
Teaching :
· Bachelor courses on inventory control, introductory statistics, introductory mathematics for economics, and doing research.
· Master courses on operations management, logistics and supply chain management, and inventory control.
· Thesis supervision of approximately 2 Bachelor, 25 Masters and 5 PhD students.
· External Examiner for PhD candidates at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (2005), National University of Singapore (2008), Brunel University Lonon (2009), Edinburgh University (2009), and the University of Amsterdam (2009).
· Internal examiner for a PhD candidate at the Lancaster UniversityManagementSchool (2008).
Teaching prizes :
· 2004/5 and 2006/7: MSc OR student at LancasterUniversity under my supervision won the runner-up prize for the May Hicks award of the OR Society.
Grants :
· 2003: 2-year fellowship of the Royal Academy of Sciences (Dutch abbreviation: KNAW) for €240,000.
· 2000: 3-year fellowship of the Royal Academy of Sciences (Dutch abbreviation: KNAW) for €300,000.
Other roles :
· Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Production Economics.
· Associate Editor of OMEGA: the International Journal of Management Science.
· Program Committee member of the International Working Seminars on Production Economics.
Education and work :
2009- University of Groningen
Professor of Operations Research
2005-2009 Lancaster University Management School (LUMS), Department of Management Science, UK
2002-2005 Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Econometric Institute, The Netherlands
Fellow of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (Dutch abbreviation: KNAW)
2001 Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Econometric Institute, The Netherlands
ERIM (Erasmus Research Institute of Management) Postdoc
2000 Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Management Science Division, Greece.
Postdoc in the EU sponsored TMR project REVersed LOGistics (ERB 4061 PL 97-5650)
1999 INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
Postdoc in the EU sponsored TMR project REVersed LOGistics
1998-1999 Otto von Guericke-University of Magdeburg, Department of Production and Logistics, Germany.
Postdoc in the EU sponsored TMR project REVersed LOGistics
1994-1998 University of Groningen, Department of Econometrics, The Netherlands.
PhD student at the department of Econometrics, Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen. Graduated on April 9, 1998.
1994-1996 Landelijk Netwerk Mathematische Besliskunde (National Operations Research Network in The Netherlands), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Program for PhD-students in the Mathematics of Operations Research. Total work load: 1050 hours.
1988-1994 University of Groningen, Department of Econometrics, The Netherlands.
Graduated Cum Laude in 1994, Doctorandus in Econometrics (equivalent to Master's degree in USA).
1982-1988 Gemeentelijke Scholengemeenschap Doetinchem, The Netherlands.
VWO (pre-university education, equivalent to 7 A-Level Passes). Subjects: Dutch, German, English, Mathematics A, Mathematics B, Physics, Chemistry, Economics.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 13:11 |