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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons R.H.T. (Rasmus) Wiese, Dr


Structural reforms and income distribution: New evidence for OECD countries

Willingness to pay for improved public education and public healthcare systems: the role of income mobility prospects

How Fiscal Rules Matter for Successful Fiscal Consolidations: New Evidence

The impact of product and labour market reform on growth: Evidence for OECD countries based on local projections

Willingness to Pay for Improved Public Education and Public Health Systems: The Role of Income Mobility Prospects

The Impact of Product and Labour Market Reform on Growth: Evidence for OECD Countries Based on Local Projections

How fiscal rules matter for government debt reduction: Theory and evidence

Policy induced increases in private healthcare financing provide short-term relief of total healthcare expenditure growth: Evidence from OECD

An Experimental Test of the Validity of Survey- Measured Political Ideology

Can successful fiscal adjustments only be achieved by spending cuts?


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