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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons R.G.A. (Rasmus) Steinkrauss, Dr


Fluency measures and L2 speaking proficiency levels

Parlez-vous francais? Effects of structure-based versus dynamic-usage-based approaches on oral proficiency

A Dynamic Usage Based Perspective of Bilingual Children's VAC Development in English

Entering into the weak version of translanguaging: Teachers' English use in children's Tamil language classes in Singapore

The reliability of quantitative CAF measures in L2 speaking performance

The reliability of single task assessment in longitudinal L2 writing research

Communicative language teaching: Structure-Based or Dynamic Usage-Based?

Learning an L2 and L3 at the same time: Help or hinder?

Syntactic and lexical complexity in L2 English academic writing: Development and competition

The impact of second- and third-language learning on language aptitude and working memory