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dr. R.F.J. (Richard) Paping

Associate professor (with ius promovendi)
Profile picture of dr. R.F.J. (Richard) Paping

Papers and presentations on international conferences and workshops

-(with S. Wiersma and V. Tassenaar), ‘Forced Migration, Living-Standards, Mortality and Integration: Urban Dutch Paupers in the Colonies of the Society of Benevolence from 1818 onwards’, Presentation at the 10th Day of the Historical Demography: Lives on the Move: Migration Crises in the Past, Lessons for Today, Nijmegen, November 29, 2019.

-(with P.J. Koning), ‘Economic Refugees’ from the Northern Dutch Countryside? Social Origin and Socio-Economic Success of Dutch migrants to the USA in the Second Half of the 19th Century. Presentation at the 10th Day of the Historical Demography: Lives on the Move: Migration Crises in the Past, Lessons for Today, Nijmegen, November 29, 2019.

-‘The Society of Benevolence, Pauper Colonies and Regional Economies of Welfare in the Netherlands 1818-59’, Paper presented at the 4th Rural History Conference, Paris, September 9-13, 2019.

-‘Rural artisans: specialization of non-agricultural tasks in a capitalistic and a more traditional economy in the Netherlands until 1900’, Paper presented at the 4th Rural History Conference, Paris, September 9-13, 2019.

-‘Forced migration, mortality and integration: Dutch paupers in the colonies of the Society of Benevolence 1818-1859’. Paper presented at the 3rd ESHD conference, Pecs, June 26-29, 2019.

-‘The rise of landless households in the Dutch countryside ca. 1600 – 1900, especially in the nineteenth century’, Paper presented at the 3rd Rural History Conference, Leuven, September 11-14, 2017.

-‘Death and descendants. Property and care after passing away in different rural social classes in the North of the Netherlands in the eighteenth and early nineteenth century’. Paper presented at the workshop ‘When the household fails’, EHESS, Paris, January 20, 2017.

-(with Erwin Karel), ‘Between tradition and modernisation: a regional comparison of demographic and social behaviour and experiences of different occupational groups in the North of the Netherlands, 1811-1930’, Paper presented at the 2nd ESHD conference, Leuven, September 21-24, 2016.

-(with Christine Fertig), ‘Two different Western-European rural models for the house-family bond: Peasants, labourers and tradesmen in Westphalia (North-western Germany) and Groningen (North-Netherlands), 1780 – 1860’, Paper presented at the 2nd ESHD conference, Leuven, September 21-24, 2016.

-(with Erwin Karel), ‘German migration to Groningen and Drenthe in the 19th and early 20th century’, Workshop: new perspectives on the history of migration in the Northern Netherlands and the Northwest of Germany, Groningen, August 20, 2016.

-(with Jacek Pawlowski), ‘Success or failure in the city? Nineteenth century rural-urban migration from the Groningen clay soil region’. Paper presented at the 8th Day of the Historical Demography, Groningen, December 11, 2015.

-‘Dutch live-in farmhands and maids in the long 19th century: the decline and near disappearance of the lifecycle servant system for the rural lower class’, Paper presented at the 2nd Rural History Conference, Girona (Spain), September 8, 2015

-(with Christine Fertig), ‘House and family: two different Western-European rural models. Westphalia (North-western Germany) and Groningen (North-Netherlands), 1780-1850’, Paper presented at the 2nd Rural History Conference, Girona (Spain), September 10, 2015.

-‘Measuring agricultural productivity during a century of population growth using farm accounts, production statistics and an income approach (Groningen 1762 – 1862)’, Paper presented at the Eurasian Rural and Agricultural History Workshop, Groningen, June 25-27, 2015.

-‘General Dutch Population development 1400-1850: cities and countryside’, Paper presented at the 1st ESHD conference, Alghero, September 15-17, 2014.'General_Dutch_Population_development_1400-1850_cities_and_countryside'

-Measuring the age-dependent economic costs and benefits of children and juveniles: Annual auctions of pauper orphans’, Paper presented at the ESSHC, Vienna, April 23-26, 2014.

-(with Gert Schansker), ‘The reproduction of the rural labour class: fertility, nuptiality and life chances. The case of nineteenth-century Groningen’, Paper presented at the zesde Dag van de Historische Demografie in Gent (B/NL), 12 December 2013.

‘Rural poor relief in the coastal Netherlands: from a ‘collective insurance’ to a ‘supplement-system’ (Groningen 1770-1860)’, Paper presented at the Rural History Conference, Bern, 19-22 August 2013. Paper:

-‘Occupations and economic labour activities of nineteenth century Dutch women: limits and possibilities’. Paper presented at the WOG Historical Demography workshop “Women in changing labour markets”, Utrecht 22-23 November 2012. Powerpoint.

-(with E. Karel), ‘Northern Dutch Farmer elites from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century:betweennobles and peasant’. Paper presented at the conference “Bürgerlich-bäuerliche elite 17.-19. Jahrhundert / / Rural Elites in Europe – A Comparative Perspective”. Oldenburg September 20-22, 2012. Powerpoint.

-‘ Cohabitation, succession and/or retirement: living strategies of the elderly in the Northern Dutch countryside around the 19th century’. Paper presented at the MOSAIC-confence, Boedapest September 6-7, 2012. Powerpoint.

-‘Maki ng a living of their own’. Succession, inheritance and child careers in the Dutch rural economy in the 18th and 19th century’, Paper presented at the ESSHC, Glasgow April 2012. Paper.

-(with E. Karel) ‘ Searching for a place to live. Succession and child career strategies of peasant and farmer households in rural Drenthe and Groningen in the first half of the nineteenth century, Paper presented at the Posthumus conference, Antwerpen May 2011. Powerpoint. Adapted version published in Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis / The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History 2011.

-‘The transfer of farms in a Dutch commercial rural society from the 16th till the 20th century’, Paper presented at the 1st Rural History Conference, Brighton September 2010. Paper.

-(with E. Karel) ‘The transfer of farms in Dutch commercial and peasant rural societies, 1740-2000: two cases compared’. Paper presented at the 21st International Congress in Historical Sciences, Amsterdam, August 2010. Adapted version published in Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis / The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History 2011.

-‘Urbanisatie en de-urbanisatie in Nederland 1400-1850’, Paper op de Tweede Dag van de Historische Demografie in Tilburg (B/NL), December 4, 2009. Powerpoint.

-‘The eternal quest for a farmstead: The transfer of farms in the eastern Marne (Groningen) from the 16th till the 20th century’. Paper presented at the Fourth Flemish-Dutch Conference Economic and Social History of the Low Countries before 1850, Leiden, January 29-30, 2009.

-‘The eternal quest for a farmstead: Farmers behind the Northern Dutch dikes 16th – 20th century’, Paper presented at the COST action A35 Workshop ‘Inheritance practices, marriage strategies and household formation in European rural societies’, Sarospatak (Hungary), May 2008. Powerpoint. Partly published in Head-Konig ed. Inheritance Practices, Marriage Strategies and Household Formation in European Rural Societies (2012).

-‘The dynamics of household structure and household size in the Northern Dutch countryside: The importance of complex households’. Paper presented at the ESSHC in Lisbon, March 2008. Paper.

-‘The modernity of the Dutch countryside from the 17th to 19th centuries: specialisation, social mobility and intergenerational succession in the northern Netherlands’. Paper presented in Cambridge, November 2007. Powerpoint.

-‘Taxes, property size, occupations and social structure, the case of the 18th and 19th century Northern Dutch countryside’. Paper presented at WOG Historical Demography workshop in Leuven, November 2007. Powerpoint. Revised version published in Revue Belge d’histoire contemporaine RBHC / BTNG Belgisch Tijdschrift voor nieuwste geschiedenis (2010).

-'Explaining individual ages at first marriage in a 18th century rural market economy’. Paper presented at a Workshop on Historical Demography in Groningen, May 2007. Paper

- ‘Making a living of their own; Household formation, succession and social mobility in a modern Dutch rural economy in the 18th and early 19th century’. Paper presented at COST Action Workshop A34, ‘Gender and well-being’ in Minho, April 2007. Powerpoint. Partly published in Durães,  Fauve-Chamoux, Ferrer and Kok (eds.), The Transmission of Well-Being. Gendered Marriage Strategies and Inheritance Systems in Europe (2009).

-(with E. Vanhaute and C. Ó Gráda ), ‘The European subsistence crisis of 1845-1850: A comparative perspective’. Paper presented at the Economic History Conference (EHC) in Helsinki, August 2006. Powerpoint.

-(with V. Tassenaar), ‘The consequences of the potato disease in the Netherlands 1845-1860: a regional approach’. Paper presented at ‘The mid 19th century subsistence crisis. A comparative analysis of the causes and effects of the 'last' European hunger crisis’, CORN Workshop, University College Dublin, December 2003. Powerpoint. Revised version published in C. Ó Gráda, R. Paping and E. Vanhaute (eds.), When the Potato Failed. Causes and Effects of the Last European Subsistence Crisis, 1845-1850  (2007)

-‘Demand and supply for live-in farm servants app. 1760-1920: the case of Groningen (The Netherlands)’. Paper presented at the conference: Models of Domestic Service, Munich, 11-14 September 2003. Revised paper.

-(with G. Collenteur), ‘Age at first marriage in The Netherlands and Russia 1730-1905: tradition or economic and social circumstances?’ Paper presented at the conference on Demographic History in Tambov (Russia), 20-25 May 2002. Paper later published in: Kooij and Paping, Where the twain meet again (2004).

-‘Farm-accounts and wage-work: the earnings of the members of labourer families in Groningen in the 19th century’.  Paper presented at the ESSHC, The Hague, February/March 2002.

-‘Family strategies, wage labour and the family life-cycle in the Groningen country-side’. Paper presented at the conference Integral History in Russia and The Netherlands. November 2000, Wageningen/Groningen. Revised Paper, later published in: Kooij and Paping, Where the twain meet again (2004).

-‘Family strategies concerning wage labour and wage-income during the life cycle of the family: the case of farm workers in Nieuw Scheemda, The Netherlands 1860-1900’. Paper presented at the conference Integral History in Russia and The Netherlands. May 1999 in St. Petersburg.

-'The economic development of the clay area in Groningen 1770-1910: income and social groups'. Paper presented at the conference Integral History in Russia and The Netherlands, Groningen, 28 November - 2 December 1994. Paper later published in Kooij, Where the twain meet (1998).

-‘Proletarization, Stability and Imported Prosperity; The Development of the Standard of Living in the Clay Area of the Dutch Province of Groningen from 1770 to 1860 ’. Paper presented at the Social History Conference in London, 1993.

-‘Reconstruction and Reliability of Historical Data: an Example of Wages’, Workshop National Accounts in the 19th and 20th Century, Groningen, 23 May 1989.

Organisation of Symposia, Conferenties and Workshops

-Workshop ‘ The Hajnal-thesis: life courses and household structure (Posthumus Institute /ICOG), Groningen, 22 May 2007.

-CORN-Workshop ‘The mid 19th century subsistence crisis. A comparative analysis of the causes and effects of the 'last' European hunger crisis’, University College Dublin, 12-13 December 2003 (with C. Ó Gráda, and E. Vanhaute) .

-DHV-Symposium ‘Militaire Geschiedenis van Drenthe’, Coevorden 7 juni 2003 (met H. Harmeijer).

-Conference ‘Integral History in Russia and The Netherlands’, Wageningen/Groningen, 22-25 November 2000, Wageningen/Groningen (with P. Kooij).

- DHV-Symposium, ‘Extreme armoede in de Drentse venen?’, Assen, 18 november 2000 (met J. van der Meer).

Local/national reading for a general public (a.o.)

-‘Voorbij Jan Bieleman’s Five centuries of Farming’. (Vereniging voor Landbouwgeschiedenis) Wageningen, 30 maart 2012. Powerpoint.

-Diverse stukjes interview in documentaire film ‘Het Witte Goud’ over de effecten van Chilisalpeter kunstmest in Chili en Groningen, regisseur Piet Hein van der Hoek (Stichting Beeldlijn), première 23 november 2011, uitgezonden TV Noord in 2011 en landelijk op OVT op 3 februari 2013.

-‘De geschiedenis van de boerderijen, landgebruik en landeigendom in de Marne van de zestiende eeuw tot circa 1830: oude heerden en hun bewoners’, (Historische Kring de Marne) Warfhuizen, 20 oktober 2011. Powerpoint.

-‘Leven en werken in Winsum, Obergum en omstreken ca. 1550-ca. 1850 in een regionaal, nationaal en internationaal vergelijkend perspectief’, (Historische Vereniging Winshem) Obergum, 11 maart 2011. Powerpoint.

-‘Een historisch overzicht van economische crises tot en met de Kredietcrisis van 2008’ (Studievereniging voor Internationale Betrekkingen / Ubbo Emmius) Groningen, 11 februari 2011. Powerpoint.

-‘Blooteigenaren en gebruikers in de Groninger Ommelanden voor 1600-1806: Puzzelen met o.a. schouwregisters en register van grastallen’ (HISGIS-dag) Groningen, 21 augustus 2009. Powerpoint.

-‘Werken, inkomen en bestaan van arbeiders-, middenstands- en boerengezinnen op de Groninger klei in de 18e en 19e eeuw’ (vereniging Vrienden van Verhildersum) Leens, mei 2009. Powerpoint.

-‘Rooms-Katholieke adel in de provincie Groningen, i.h.b. in Bedum in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw’ (Historische Vereniging gemeente Bedum) Bedum, 21 april 2009. Powerpoint. Deels gepubliceerd in Stad en Lande (2009) nr 1.

-‘De levensstandaard van boeren, arbeiders en middenstanders op de Groninger klei in de 18e en 19e eeuw’ (Historische Vereniging Stad en Lande, NGV en Groninger Archieven) Groningen, 11 maart 2009. Powerpoint.

-‘De Rooms-katholiek gebleven adel in Drenthe 1592-1750’ (Drentse Historische Vereniging) Assen, 28 januari 2009. Powerpoint.

-‘Rooms-Katholieke adel in de provincie Groningen, i.h.b. in de Ommelanden in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw’ (Historische Kring Ubbega en de Stichting Heerlijkheid Harssens) Adorp, 29 oktober 2008. Powerpoint.

-‘Rijke Roomse boeren op de Hamsterborg 1699-1837’ (Vereniging Vrienden van de Hamsterborg) Den Ham, 10 juni 2007. Powerpoint. Latere versie gepubliceerd in Stad en Lande (2007) nr. 3.

-‘Eigendommen, eigenerfd landgebruik en eigenerfden in de 17e en 18e eeuwse Ommelanden’ (Groninger Archieven en NGV) Groningen, 10 februari 2007. Powerpoint.

-‘De familie Boelens en de geschiedenis van Groningen (Nederland) 1550-2000’ (familievereniging Boelens) Zuidhorn, 7 oktober 2006. Powerpoint. Latere versie gepubliceerd in Stad en Lande (2007) nr. 2.

-‘ De geschiedenis van Appingedam: van Kleine Stad naar Groot Dorp’ ( Historische Kring Amasius) Appingedam, 15 februari 2006.

-‘H.C. Van Hall: een biografie in opdracht’, Conferentie Biografieën in de Landbouwgeschiedenis (Vereniging voor Landbouwgeschiedenis) Wageningen, 27 mei 2005.

-‘ De geschiedenis van Appingedam: de tweede stad van Groningen’, (Gewestelijk Historisch Museum) Appingedam, 21 mei 2005.

-‘Het leven van “Gaike Modaal in Humsterland 1750-1910”’ (Historische Vereniging Humerike & Maatschappij tot Nut van het Algemeen) Oldehove, 29 maart 2004. Gepubliceerd Humerike (2003)

-‘Boeren in Bedum 1700-1900’, (Stichting Boerderijenboek gemeente Bedum e.o) Bedum, 9 februari 2004.

- ‘Het leven van boeren, arbeiders en middenstanders in de gemeente Zuidhorn in de 18e en 19e eeuw’ (Historische Kring Zuidhorn) Zuidhorn, 14 januari 2003.

-‘ De geschiedenis van Appingedam: de tweede stad van Groningen’, ( Maatschappij tot Nut van het Algemeen) Hoogezand, 10 april 2002.

- ‘De bevolking van Grijpskerk in de Franse tijd’, Grijpskerk, 15 november 2001.

-‘Onderzoek met Groningse boerderijboekhoudingen’. Studiedag over Boerenboekhoudingen (Vereniging voor Landbouwgeschiedenis/Fryske Akademy) Leeuwarden, 9 november 2001.

- ‘De ontwikkeling van de veehouderij in Groningen in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw’ (Veterinair Historisch genootschap) Warffum, 19 april 2001. Latere versie gepubliceerd in Argos (2001).

-‘Industrie en diensten in het Oldambt in de negentiende eeuw’, (in kader uitreiking publicatie) Winschoten, 26 mei 2000.

-‘Gezinsstrategieën’, colloquium Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 18 november 1999.

-‘De Republiek: de basis van de welvaart: de Nederlandse economische ontwikkeling van 1500 tot 1800’ (HOVO), 4 november 1999.

-'De levensstandaard in Groningen in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw´ (Volksuniversiteit) Groningen, 16 november 1998.

-‘Arbeidsstrategieën van gezinnen in een marktgerichte agrarische economie: de Groningse kleigebieden ca. 1830-1920’ (NW Posthumus Instituut), Universiteit Utrecht, 23 april 1998.

-‘De onderlaag vanuit een economisch, historisch en plattelandsperspectief’. Congres ‘Bewust maatschappelijke vormgeving. Grenzen en mogelijkheden (NW Posthumus Instituut & IISG) Amsterdam, 4 oktober 1997.

-‘Appingedam 1770-1860: Van kleine stad tot groot dorp???’ (Dag van de Groninger Geschiedenis, Appingedam, 18 november 1995.

-‘De economische ontwikkeling van Hoogkerk in de negentiende eeuw’ (Bibliotheek Hoogkerk) Hoogkerk, 31 oktober 1995.

- ‘Groningse landbouwboekhoudingen uit de vorige eeuw en hun betekenis voor het historisch onderzoek naar lonen’ (NAHI) Groningen, 23 april 1993.

-‘De landbouw op de Groninger klei in de 19e eeuw (HOVO) Groningen, 30 oktober 1992.

-‘Roomsen in de Groninger Ommelanden in de achttiende eeuw’ (NAHI), Groningen, 27 januari 1988.

Last modified:25 February 2023 07.47 a.m.