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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. R.F.J. (Richard) Paping

dr. R.F.J. (Richard) Paping

Universitair Hoofddocent (met ius promovendi)
Profielfoto van dr. R.F.J. (Richard) Paping

Richard Paping (Richardus Franciscus Johannes) geboren 20 februari 1962 in Ommen (Overijssel)



Atheneum (VWO) beta, Zwolle (Thomas a Kempis) 1974-1980.

Afgeronde academische opleidingen: Algemene Economie (1980-1987: kandidaats en doctoraal) en Geschiedenis (1982-1988: doctoraal), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen



-Assistent in Opleiding, Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis, vakgroep Algemene Economie, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1987-1991. Promotie: 30 maart 1995 (promotores: prof. Pim Kooij en prof. Rainer Fremdling): Engelstalig abstract

-Docent Economisch en Sociale Geschiedenis, vakgroep Algemene Economie, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen, 1991-1998 .

-Freelance historisch onderzoeker en schrijver (voornamelijk een biografie over prof. H.C. van Hall) 1995-1996

-Postdoctoraal onderzoeker NWO, 1996-1997, project arbeidsstrategieen van gezinnen (met Ad Knotter, Jan Kok en Eric Vanhaute)

-Universitair docent (ud) Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis, Faculteit der Letteren, Afdeling Geschiedenis, sectie Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis, 1997-2019

-Universitair Hoofddocent (uhd) Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis, Faculteit der Letteren, Afdeling Geschiedenis, sectie Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis, 2019-2022

-Universitair Hoofddocent (uhd) met ius promovendi Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis, Faculteit der Letteren, Afdeling Geschiedenis, sectie Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis, 2022-nu

-Fellow van het N.W. Posthumus Institute voor Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis, 1997-thans



-Programmacoordinator Bachelor Geschiedenis, september 2019-oktober 2022; juli 2023-december 2023

-Lid personeelsfractie Faculteitsraad Letteren, oktober 2022-september 2023

-Programmacoordinator Master Geschiedenis, september 2019-oktober 2022

-Voorzitter personeelsfractie Faculteitsraad Letteren, september 2019-oktober 2021

-Lid werkgroep Taakverdelingsmodel, 2017-2018, Faculteit der Letteren 

-Lid/secretaris Toelatingcommissie Opleiding Geschiedenis, Faculteit der Letteren, 2012-thans

-Plaatsvervangend bestuurslid N.W. Posthumus Instituut. Onderzoeksschool voor Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis in Nederland en Vlaanderen, 2012-thans

-Bestuurslid van de Vereniging voor Landbouwgeschiedenis VLG, 2014-2023, penningmeester vanaf 2016 tot 2023

-Lid van het Facultair Overlegorgaan Onderwijsbeleid, Faculteit Letteren, 2010-2019

-Secretaris Zelfreflectiecommissie ivm visitatie Opleiding Geschiedenis, Faculteit der Letteren, 2011-2013

-Secretaris en vice-voorzitter van het Afdelingsbestuur Geschiedenis, Faculteit der Letteren, 2009-nov. 2014; Lid Afdelingsbestuur Geschiedenis aug. 2015-jan. 2016.

-Mede-organisator Colloquium ESG, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2008-2010

-Lid 2005-2012 (secretaris 2007-2009) van de Examencommissie van Geschiedenis, Faculteit der Letteren

-Secretaris van de sectie Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis, Faculteit der Letteren, 2003-2018

-Lid van de Taakgroep Nederlandse Geschiedenis, Faculteit der Letteren, 2006-2012

-Lid van de taakgroep Theoretische Geschiedenis, Faculteit der Letteren, 2003-2012

-Voorzitter van de 'Herprogrammeringscommissie' ter invoering van de Bachelor-Master structuur in de Geschiedenis opleiding, Faculteit der Letteren, 2000-2002

-Secretaris (1998-2004) en interim voorzitter (2000-2002) van de afdeling geschiedenis van de Drentse Historische Vereniging DHV

-Secretaris (2000-2003) van de 'taakgroep' Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis, Faculteit der Letteren, 1997-2003

-Mede-organisator dubbel sectiecolloquium ESG, Rijksuniversiteit, 1997-2004




Characteristic is my broad interest in all possible aspects of economic and social history, especially I am interested in the life of ordinary people in the past. Both long term macro social and economic developments as industrialisation, population growth and economic growth, and very micro aspects of the living together of people attract my attention. Often the combination of both angles is very fruitful. My aim is it to explain historical developments as much as possible using general theoretical notions borrowed from the social sciences. However, I am aware that the historical past is mostly too difficult to become completely grasped by such notions.


My research fields are: regional history, rural history, agrarian history, demographic history, quantitative history, the development of the standard-of-living, poverty and poor-relief, social structure and social mobility in the 16th to 20th century. However, most of my research deals with the 18th and 19th century and with the northern part of the Netherlands, due to the availability of archives. 


Belangrijkste onderzoeksprojecten


-Life in a 'traditional' village in the period 1740-1850 in collaboration with Erwin Karel. With the assistance of some eight voluntary elderly from HOVO the life of all people who have lived in the small village of Oosterhesselen (Drenthe) are being investigated. By a near complete investigation of all possible sources we hope to get a deeper understandig of the life of common people in a small community (500 to 1000 inhabitants) in which is mostly depicted as one of the more traditional regions of the Netherlands, the sandy parts of the originally underpopulated province of Drenthe. Aspects to be reseached are: demography (births, marriages and deaths) , migration, social structure and social inequality, social mobility, poor-relief, religion, importance of money


-As a co-editor (together with Eric Vanhaute, Isabelle DeVos, Thijs Lambrecht, Philippe Schofield, Carl-Johan Gadd and George Fertig) and as a writer I am involved the making of part 3 'Family, labour and income', of The Agrarion History of the North Sea Area. A new history of rural economy and society in North-West Europe, 5th-20th century. Together with Isabella De Vos and Tijs Lambrechts I write the chapter on the Low Countries 1000-1750. Together with Erwin Karel and Eric Vanhaute I am also responsible for the writing of the chapter on the Low Countries 1750-2000. In line with this project I research the development of population and occupational structure in the Netherlands 1400-1850.


-Agrarian history on a micro level, with the help of farm accounts, from which I have collected several dozen in the past period for the province of Groningen (mostly 19th century). These farm accounts make it possible to estimate the development of agricultural production and of agricultural wages and prices. Also the detailed information give insight information on the mumber of days male and female agricultural labourers worked, and make it possible to say something about seasonal unemployment. By using personal information these data make it possible to say more about family strategies on labour conducted (se also my previous publications). 


-The development of ownership and use of land in the Marne (province of Groningen), 16th century until the 20th century. Villages: Kloosterburen, Wierhuizen, Leens, Warfhuizen, Wehe, Zuurdijk, Vierhuizen, Niekerk, Vliedorp, Ulrum and Hornhuizen (the last five I am still working on). Especially I have tried to reconstruct on a micro level which pieces of land were owned and used by whom for the period 1595-1830. This research is appended by a more general proposographical project on the families of the farmers in the Marne during the period 1591-1991 which also pivots on the way farms were transferred. Een voorbeeld van het resultaat vormen de geschiedenissen van de boerderijen in Zuurdijk van de 15e eeuw tot ca. 1830.


-Social mobility and social structure in the Groningen clay area in the 18th and 19th century with the help of several proposographical databases, one relates to lifes of Roman-Catholics born between 1720 and 1810, another comprises the household structure in six municipalities in 1830 and 1850, and the lifes of people born in nine municipalities around 1830, 1850 and 1870.


Internationale networken

CORN (Comparative Rural History of the North Sea Area)

WoG Historische Demografie

COST Action A34: Gender and Well-Being: Interactions between Work, Family and Public Policies

COST Action A35: Programme for the Study of European Rural Societies

 EHPS-Network: European Historical Populations Samples


Laatst gewijzigd:04 december 2024 14:22