prof. dr. R.C. (Robert) Inklaar

050 36 33458 (Secretariaat)
- 2020–2024 Theme leader for project on “Structural Transformation and Economic Growth” funded by the UK FCDO.
- 2017–2020 Primary investigator on “Online Prices for Computing Standards of Living Across Countries (OPSLAC)” for the Digging into Data program, funded by NWO (Netherlands), NSF (USA) and SSHC (Canada).
- 2011–2017 The Next Generation of the Penn World Table, projects for National Science Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation;
- 2010-2014: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), PhD Project "Resource allocation and economic growth"
- 2009-2012. Indicators for evaluating international performance in service sectors (INDICSER), |Funded by the European Commission, grant no. 244709.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 12:27 |