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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. R.A. (Robert) Schoevers


Demographic and clinical predictors of response and remission in the treatment of major depressive disorder with ketamine and esketamine: A systematic review

Inpatient dialectical behavior therapy combined with trauma-focused therapy for PTSD and borderline personality disorder symptoms: study design of the naturalistic trauma therapy study

Neurobiological mechanisms of antidepressant properties of psilocybin: A systematic review of blood biomarkers

Plasma esketamine and noresketamine levels and antidepressant response with oral esketamine treatment

Trans-ancestry genome-wide study of depression identifies 697 associations implicating cell types and pharmacotherapies

Assessment of biomarker stability and assay performance parameters for medical diagnosis: a case study of diagnosis of major depressive disorder

Attitudes and Perceptions of Mental Healthcare Recipients and their Close Ones on Psychedelic Treatments: results from a Dutch Mixed Methods Survey

Change in brain activation after transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields in treatment-resistant depression

Circadian markers as a predictor of response in the treatment of depression: A systematic review

Externally validated clinical prediction models for estimating treatment outcomes for patients with a mood, anxiety or psychotic disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis


Psychiater Robert Schoevers gaat op zoek naar betekenis

Farmaci psichedelici: al via il primo trial europeo sul distress nel fine vita

Wat hebben ketamine en depressie met elkaar te maken?

Trippend in de scanner: psilocybine heeft wekenlang effect op brein

UMCG neemt nieuw psychiatriegebouw in gebruik

UMCG heeft een nieuw, open en licht gebouw voor psychiatrie

GGZ behandelplek van de toekomst – Channah Kruijt wint challenge

EU financiert baanbrekend onderzoek naar therapie met psychedelica