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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. R.A.M. (Renate) Neimeijer


Eating disorder-specific rumination moderates the association between attentional bias to high-calorie foods and eating disorder symptoms: Evidence from a reliable free-viewing eye-tracking task

Bekijk jezelf door een Roze Bril: een online preventieve strategie voor jongeren, gebaseerd op positieve psychologie

Reduced automatic approach tendencies towards task-relevant and task-irrelevant food pictures in Anorexia Nervosa

Can we improve body image in adolescents with eating disorders with an online training on basis of evaluative conditioning?

Can we improve body image in adolescents with eating disorders with an online training on basis of evaluative conditioning?

Evaluative Conditioning as a Body Image Intervention for Adolescents With Eating Disorders

Has food lost its attraction in anorexia nervosa?: A cognitive approach

Automatic approach tendencies toward high and low caloric food in restrained eaters: Influence of task-relevance and mood

Heightened attentional capture by visual food stimuli in Anorexia Nervosa

Verbetert lichaamstevredenheid bij jongeren met een eetstoornis door een online training op basis van evaluatieve conditionering?