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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons Q. (Qinfeng) Zhu, PhD


When politics is personal: Curating safe spaces through disconnection on instant messaging platforms

Disconnectivity in a Changing Media and Political Landscape: A Multi-Contextual and Interdisciplinary Lens

Examining Active News Avoidance Across Countries: A Multilevel Moderation Analysis of News Interests, News Trust, and Press Freedom

Implications of online incidental and selective exposure for political emotions: Affective polarization during elections

Political implications of disconnective practices on social media: unfriending, unfollowing, and blocking

Safe space? Grounding political talk in WhatsApp groups

Special issue: Disconnectivity in a Changing Media and Political Landscape: A Multi-Contextual and Interdisciplinary Lens

The Effects of Flagging Propaganda Sources on News Sharing: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Twitter

The Politics of Disconnection: A Systematic Review of Politically Motivated Unfriending

The politics of disconnection on social media: A systematic review of politically motivated unfriending

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