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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons Q. (Qian) Huang, Dr


Douyin's playful platform governance: Platform's self-regulation and content creators’ participatory surveillance

Digital Media, Denunciation and Shaming: The Court of Public Opinion

Review of Dubrofsky, Rachel E. 2022. Authenticating Whiteness: Karens, Selfies, and Pop Stars. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi

The Discursive Construction of Populist and Misogynist Nationalism: Digital Vigilantism Against Unpatriotic Intellectual Women in China

When pop and politics collide: A transcultural perspective on contested practices in pop idol fandoms in China and the West

Counselling marriage and love through live-streaming in China: Douyin, relationship counsellor, and the affective public

Covidiots as Global Acceleration of Local Surveillance Practices

The mediated and mediatised justice-seeking: Chinese digital vigilantism from 2006 to 2018

Introducing Vigilant Audiences

Mediated Visibility as Making Vitriol Meaningful


Asia’s frustrated young men celebrate the return of Donald Trump

Across Asia, the ‘manosphere’ cheers the return of Donald Trump

Can China Curb the Online Harrassment of Women?

Transnational Influencers on Chinese Social Media Platforms

Messi not the first high-profile target of online anger in China

With Two Meals, Janet Yellen’s Outreach in China Yields Mixed Results

Digital Vigilantism and the “Good Chinese”

What Drives China’s ‘Digital Vigilantes’?