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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P.M.M. (Pedro) de Faria, Prof


Less Severe but More Intense: Achievability as Search Motivation in the Vicinity of Aspirations

AI for managing open innovation: Opportunities, challenges, and a research agenda

The Impact of Asset Partitioning on the Use of Downsizing as a Reactive Strategy

Dynamic capabilities for hire – How former host-country entrepreneurs as MNC subsidiary managers affect performance

Is open innovation imprinted on new ventures? The cooperation-inhibiting legacy of authoritarian regimes

Pastéis de Belém: Turning a secret recipe into a strategic asset: Case

Pastéis de Belém: Turning a secret recipe into a strategic asset: Teaching note

Pork Barrel or Barrel of Gold? Examining the performance implications of earmarking in public R&D grants

Recruiting strategic human capital from MNCs—Does hiring MNC managers enable exporting in domestic firms?

The Influence of Internal Barriers on Open Innovation


De Portugal para o mundo. Como as empresas podem ser “felizes a partir daqui”

Study Explores Presumed Necessity of an Earmarking Ban