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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. ir. P.M.A. (Peter) van Ooijen


ESR Bridges: bridging the AI gap: a collaborative effort of radiologists and technical AI professionals-a multidisciplinary view

Normal tissue complication probability model predicting taste impairment in head and neck cancer patients: Evaluating the taste bud bearing tongue mucosa as a predictor

The prognostic value of pathologic lymph node imaging using deep learning-based outcome prediction in oropharyngeal cancer patients

Three-Dimensional Deep Learning Normal Tissue Complication Probability Model to Predict Late Xerostomia in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer

2562: AI-enhanced proton radiography: deep learning for assessing treatment deviations in proton therapy

A comparative study of federated learning methods for COVID-19 detection

A framework to integrate artificial intelligence training into radiology residency programs: preparing the future radiologist

A multidisciplinary team and multiagency approach for AI implementation: A commentary for medical imaging and radiotherapy key stakeholders

Automated Breast Density Assessment in MRI Using Deep Learning and Radiomics: Strategies for Reducing Inter-Observer Variability

Automatic two-dimensional & three-dimensional video analysis with deep learning for movement disorders: A systematic review


Interview for the EuSoMII and Bracco AI contest 2024

Vernieuwd MVC-gebouw op ludieke wijze geopend

Terugblik Winterschool: ‘Een rijbewijs voor kunstmatige intelligentie en gezondheid’

Kunstmatige intelligentie helpt UMCG bij opsporen ziektes

Hoe kan kunstmatige intelligentie helpen om longkanker eerder op te sporen?

Hoe kan kunstmatige intelligentie helpen om longkanker eerder op te sporen?

Data Science Center in Health (DASH)