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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P. (Pantelis) Karapanagiotis, PhD


An Ontology Framework for Human-Robot Interoperability in Dynamic Construction Environments

Small and vulnerable during crises? Firm size and financing constraint dynamics.

The R Package markets: Estimation Methods for Markets in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium

Why does the schooling gap close while the wage gap persists across country income comparisons?

Design and Implementation of a Historical German Firm-level Financial Database

How to Ensure Collective Action in Multinational Projects: Insights from the EurHisFirm Project

An extensible model for historical financial data with an application to German company and stock market data

EURHISFIRM D5.4: Updated technical document on the preliminary data model

EURHISFIRM D5.2: Technical Document on Preliminary Common Data Model

EURHISFIRM D5.1: Technical document on national data models