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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P. J. (Paul) Upham, Dr


Should end-users take their clothes off inside on a cold winter's day? Sustainability pressures on district heating professionals in Denmark

Building energy institutions in a conflict zone: Interventions by international organisations in Afghanistan

Media Frame Development of Direct Air Capture 1990-2023: A Comparative Analysis of Europe and North America

Media frame development of direct air capture 2011–2023: A comparative analysis of Europe and North America

Micro-stories and the lived experience of transport poverty: Lessons from Iceland for just mobility transitions

Transformative pedagogy for sustainable entrepreneurship and technology innovation: The case of EIT climate KIC training

Diversifying power in action: A socio-psychological approach to inclusive energy transition experiments

Imaginaries on ice: Sociotechnical futures of data centre development in Norway and Iceland

Narratives of change: Strategies for inclusivity in shaping socio-technical future visions

Normative expectations of government as a policy actor: The case of UK steel industry decarbonisation


The rising carbon footprint of the internet and concerns over 'dark data'