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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P.J. (Philip) Steinberg, Dr


Common ownership and competitive dissimilarity: A global perspective on competition and institutional ownership

How the country context shapes firms' competitive repertoire complexity

The time for the future is now: CEO temporal focus and firms’ identification and interpretation of grand challenges - The example of water scarcity

Determinants of common ownership: Exploring an information-based and a competition-based perspective in a global context

Do narcissistic CEOs really foster radical innovation?

Is open innovation imprinted on new ventures? The cooperation-inhibiting legacy of authoritarian regimes

Narcissistic CEOs’ dilemma: The trade-off between exploration and exploitation and the moderating role of performance feedback

The role of firm-level and country-level antecedents in explaining emerging versus advanced economy multinationals' R&D internationalization strategies

Greasing the wheels or blocking the path? Organizational structure, product innovativeness, and new product success☆

How environmental shocks influence firms’ exploration intensity: Evidence from a nuclear disaster